CFU National Bowling Tournament

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  2. CFU National Bowling Tournament

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86th Annual Tenpin Tournament

Croatian Center Merrillville, IN  8550 W Taft St., Merrillville, IN, United States

Hosted by "Croatian Sons" Lodge 170 in Merrillville, IN.  May 13-15, 2022   May 13th Meet and Greet - 6pm - 10pm Croatian Center - 8550 W Taft St, Merrillville, IN 46410 May 14th  Singles & Doubles Bowling - 11AM Stardust

87th CFU National Bowling Tournament

Hollywood Casino @ the Meadows 201 Racetrack Rd., Washington, PA, United States

We welcome everyone to the 87th CFU National Bowling Tournament hosted by "Hrvatska Vila" Lodge 141 of East Pittsburgh, PA. Bowling will take place at the Meadows Lanes at Hollywood Casino located in Washington, PA. We have secured a great

89th CFU National Bowling Tournament

Gold Coast Hotel and Casino 4000 W. Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Strike Up the Fun at the 89th Annual CFU National Bowling Tournament in Vegas! 🎳✨ Get ready to roll the dice and the bowling balls! We’re thrilled to announce that the CFU National Bowling Tournament is making its return to

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